I have now started sitting up well, eating while sitting, crawling at jet speed - if there was a word for crawling that indicates the fastest crawl that would be it, because I literally run-crawl. I can also stand on my own for a few seconds to a minute and sooner than you know I will be standing and walking on my own. For now I am walking holding my mom's legs. That is the one of the fun things these days. I love to crawl up to her legs and hold it tightly and walk along with her wherever she is going. I can also crawl up stairs, climb up low beds/sofas, and also climb down them with some help. My mom says my crawl has become more elegant.
I can now show tata, clap my hands, shake hands, and do high-five. Ofcourse that does not mean I will always perform when my parents or other adults want me to. I am also trying to talk and communicate a lot more. I show my displeasure when someone touches, pinches, hugs or kisses me without my liking - it is a very clear groan to ward them off :) like whaa, aiyee, etc. I am also very vocal when I want something, or when something is taken away from me or when i want to go out. I have some favorite spots in the house - like the water can area in the balcony, the water filter in the hall, the kitchen, the bathroom, the cupboards. Well actually the whole house :) And ofcourse I am always ready to go outdoors anytime.
I love listening to songs, and there are a few tunes that I can recognize and become attentive when they are playing. And of course I am also swaying and moving my body to these tunes and sometimes even without them I sway and move my body (as if I am listening to them in my head?). I love tasting new foods these days and actually prefer to eat small amounts more often instead of big meals at regular intervals.
The things that make me giggle and laugh these days - walking with my mom holding her legs, getting ready for a bath, playing peek-a-boo, the tickling time before bedtime, getting down the stairs with my mom/dad holding while watching behind to see who is coming.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am a year old now. We had three cake cuttings for my birthday. One on the day before my birthday, one on the day of, and one a week later. Here are a few pictures (literally few since mom and dad have been busy and have not taken many pictures!!! hmpphfh) from the last post to give you an update of all that has been happening. Enjoy and drop by to crawl with me in these last few weeks of crawling or join me to explore the world during the first few days of my walking :)
Oh and I totally forgot. I now have two teeth :)
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