Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dancing, acting, and living

It has been a very long silence on Nidhi's blog, but life has been full of action and sounds at her end :) I have slacked on not updating the blog. So here are some snippets from the last 7 months!

We have been going for many dance performances. Whenever I can find one which is a group performance we go and she thoroughly soaks it up. Now-a-days we have a dance performance almost everyday at home. She will dress up, use props, set a stage, put music and dance. And a lot of her moves are becoming refined, fluid, and creative by the day. We are into a lot of acting the books we read (i am so sleepy, where is my tail book, lion and mouse story, hat seller story, etc etc.), taking on different characters, saying dialogues. It is so much fun.

She has become a problem solver. One day, she wanted me to blow a balloon, which I did. Then I asked her to get me some thread. She thought for a second and said “amma, noolu illai, ana rubberband irruku” (amma i dont have thread, i have rubber band) my first reaction was, oh that wont work, but then I said, okay get it and we will try. So we did and what a find. This is the best way to tie a balloon, can be taken off easily the balloon for reblowing!

Fascinated with birthing, babies, feeding, everything about the body, where babies come from, where kaka and chu chu come from and so on. She also wants to know where everyone's appa and amma are. When my father's death anniversary ceremonies happened she had lots of questions about why he died, what happened to him, why cant we see him again and so on.

The other day I could not breathe because of weather related asthma and she asked me, enna acchu, I told her I am not able to breathe with my nose. and instantly she said, here take my nose, now you can breathe. I was zapped and almost in tears!

Nidhi has decided not to go to school, so we are on an extended vacation. She is quite comfortable about her decision and so are we. In the meantime, I have got an opportunity to teach a class at a college, so I told her about it and that I am going to teach and we had this conversation

Amma: I am going to hyderabad to teach uncle and aunty
N: Why?
Amma: because they want to learn, like you want to learn mopping, sweeping etc.
N: Why?
A: Why do you want to learn?
N: Because I don’t know and I want help.
A: Appadi thaan avaal kum.
N: what do they want to learn
A: Research methods in education
N: they dont know
A: No
N: You know
A: Yes, just like your chitti’s in school know.
N: But you dont go, you are not chitti, you are my amma
A:yes, i am your amma, but their chitti
N: yes, ok. when will you come back? :)

Yet another funny conversation
N: I love bananas
Amma: oh, good. bananas give you iron and calcium
N: Oh but iron will be hot no? [referring to the iron box]
Amma: Not that iron, not the iron box, but the iron that your body needs
N: Oh :)

So long for those stories. Will be back with more soon.